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.Version 3.0 doesn’t seem to be all that radical, but here’s a quick list of changes:
* Adding support for double-buffering * More hardware support * Support for OpenGL * Double-buffered mode and cursor positioning * Color table setting (only in pro version) * Language support (only in pro version) * Support for 2- and 3-byte character codes * A new menu system (see Options…), complete with a tutorial on how to use it * New game modes (see the options screen).
I didn’t see any noticeable improvement over version 2.0.2, which is much older, and the most recent version is 3.0.2, which is also older. Although it’s true that everything from 1.0.0 to 3.0.2 is essentially “the same” game, that doesn’t mean that you can’t make improvements to your game. Also, it’s true that there aren’t any major new features, but that’s not the point.
Sounds like its an old game, I haven’t played on PC in a while since they make very cheap games nowadays. But I think you’re better off making your own version, if you feel like you are willing to put some work into it, that’s all I say.
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Help keeping the site running by disabling those scripts.A US congressional committee has released thousands of emails hacked from Sony Pictures Entertainment.
Emails from the Sony email account of Amy Pascal, the chairman of the motion picture studio’s Motion Picture Finance Group, were obtained by the committee.
A source says that most of the communications were from around the time of the 2011 attack on Sony Pictures, in which hackers released private emails and other files from Sony executives.
Sony Pictures Entertainment is reporting an “ongoing security breach” into its computer systems.
A spokesperson told Business Insider that the company was “working with law enforcement to understand and respond to the situation.”
Two congressional investigations into the worldwide hacking of major corporations in 2011 — cyberattacks that led to the leak of embarrassing private emails and information from Sony Pictures Entertainment — were determined to be committed by North Korean hackers.
Investigators from the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, a committee that probes money laundering and other financial misconduct, released thousands of emails hacked from Sony Pictures’ email account on Wednesday.
Most of the emails relate to the period surrounding the Sony hack, which forced the studio to pull the Oscar-winning movie The Interview from theatres after threats from the North Korean government. (James Franco and Seth Rogen starred in the film, which was about two American journalists who assassinate the country’s president.)
Hackers allegedly responsible for the attack breached Sony Pictures Entertainment’s computer network through a Website called “Guardians of Peace” and passed the confidential data onto an account linked to North Korean cyberwarfare.
Two Senate investigations into the attack — one from the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, and another from the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee — concluded that North Korean hackers were responsible for the attack.
“We can confirm that we have seen additional stolen material, including tens of thousands of Sony employee
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