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Autodesk AutoCAD Crack Keygen

AutoCAD, a trademark of Autodesk, Inc. in San Rafael, California, is a comprehensive CAD software package that includes 2D and 3D drawing and modeling, including drafting, design, and construction.

The AutoCAD 2018 software is a desktop-based application that can work on a wide range of computers. AutoCAD 2018 is available in two versions: a $800 version, which can be used for the professional, and a $600 version, which can be used for the casual user.

Typical Commands

These are the most common commands in AutoCAD. You can access them by pressing F2 or clicking on a menu button.





Draws the drawing to the current or selected viewport.

3D View Properties

View 3D properties of the selected 3D object.


Moves, rotates, and scales the drawing by aligning the current or selected axes with a point, line, or plane.

3D View Properties

View 3D properties of the selected 3D object.


Moves, rotates, and scales the drawing by changing the drawing resolution and adjusting the drawing scale.

3D View Properties

View 3D properties of the selected 3D object.


Transforms the drawing.

3D View Properties

View 3D properties of the selected 3D object.


Views a drawing at a specified zoom level.

View 3D Properties

View 3D properties of the selected 3D object.

Zoom Extents

Views a drawing at a specified zoom level and shows the drawing’s extents.

View 3D Properties

View 3D properties of the selected 3D object.


Moves, rotates, and scales the drawing in a manner similar to aligning and scaling, but snaps to points, lines, or surfaces.

3D View Properties

View 3D properties of the selected 3D object.

Snap To

Moves, rotates, and scales the drawing by aligning it with the current or selected viewport point.

3D View Properties

View 3D properties of the selected 3D object.

3D View Properties

AutoCAD Crack+ Download

The “AutoCAD Architecture Add-on” allows design professionals to easily create detailed and robust design models using only a PC.

AutoCAD Architecture, also known as ArchiCAD, can be used to produce a set of designs that can be easily combined and modified for production.


Autodesk Architecture Suite
Autodesk Architectural (Architecture, Autodesk Architecture software and Building Design and Construction (BDC)) was initially developed by the architectural firm EPROS and the engineering design firm URS Corporation for the Apple Macintosh, published in October 1994. It was later rewritten for the Microsoft Windows and released in March 1996. The architecture software includes five separate programs:
Building Design and Construction (BDC) is used for complete design of buildings and entire campuses.
Architectural Design & Development is used for architects and engineers to create 2D and 3D architectural and engineering designs.
Landscape Design is used for landscape design.
Project Management is a tool for project managers to create schedules, budgets and manage project budgets.
Facility Management is a tool to create facility layouts and schedules.
Autodesk Architecture Suite includes the following 2D and 3D architectural and engineering design software:
Autodesk Building Design & Construction (BDC)
Autodesk Architectural Design & Development (AD&D)
Autodesk Landscape Design (LND)
Autodesk Facility Management (FM)
Autodesk Architectural Suite was initially only available on the Macintosh platform, but Autodesk acquired DesignSpark and the rights to the software were re-released for the Microsoft Windows platform on December 7, 1999. Building Design and Construction (BDC) is no longer supported. In late 2005, Autodesk Architectural Suite was replaced by Autodesk Building Design Suite and Autodesk Interior Design Suite for the Windows platform. Building Design Suite and Interior Design Suite are rebranded versions of the Autodesk Architecture Suite for the Windows platform. Architecture was released in 2008 for the Mac platform.

For a description of Architecture and other products, see Autodesk Architecture.

ProjectWise Architect Suite

ProjectWise Architect Suite is a suite of CAD tools developed by Autodesk that was introduced in June 2005 for the Windows platform. This is the replacement of Project Workspace Architect for architecture, building and landscape design software. In December 2005, Autodesk introduced ProjectWise Building Design and ProjectWise Facility

AutoCAD Crack + Free

Start the program and sign up with your email and the new code. The license is activated.


Accessing global data after a request was finished in ExpressJS

I want to access a variable “my_data” after a request was finished in ExpressJS, without passing it through the request.
I was thinking of using a Promise, but when I tried this, the value that I expected to be “2” was “3”.
The function I am trying to use is as follows.
app.get(‘/test’, function (req, res) {
const my_data = 2;

res.writeHead(200, {
‘Content-Type’: ‘text/plain’

res.write(‘What is your name?

res.write(‘My name is’+ my_data + ‘!


How can I access the variable “my_data” after a request was finished in ExpressJS?


This is because you’re setting my_data to 2 at the moment when the request started. If you want to do that, then store the value you want to set on the request object instead of in a local variable:
app.get(‘/test’, (req, res) => {
const my_data = 2;
req.my_data = my_data;

and then access it through req.

// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net)
// License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.

#include “../array2d.h”
#include “../matrix.h”
#include “../algs.h”
#include “../image_processing.h”
#include “../png.h”

namespace dlib

class png_loader

What’s New in the AutoCAD?

AutoCAD recognizes when text is embedded into a PDF and creates the text in the model. The template-based CAD-consulting workflow is optimized for text with specific dimensions and formats. (video: 1:11 min.)

Embedded, scalable and device independent annotations are now incorporated into the drawing. (video: 1:32 min.)

The drawing is automatically exported to all major formats, with options to add file associations, specifying the target format or filename. A new “Save to” dialog box makes it easier to save an updated drawing. (video: 1:04 min.)

A new annotation type – Outline – guides users to draw complex annotations in AutoCAD. Using the Outline annotation, users can draw the text and a complex, multi-colored boundary. (video: 1:23 min.)

Improved the performance and layout of annotations. (video: 1:16 min.)

Track design changes in the drawing, with the new Change Log feature. The Change Log shows the history of changes to a drawing, including name changes. Add comments to drawings and keep track of changes with the new comments feature. (video: 1:40 min.)

Faster accuracy when applying geometry. When AutoCAD reads CAD data from DWG and DWF files, errors are automatically detected and corrected. The feature is designed to handle the most common formatting errors found in DWG files. The tool is even more effective when used with DWF++, which supports more complex files. (video: 1:46 min.)

Add and export documents without using the Windows Print Manager. Print to PDF, SVG, EPS, or XPS, directly from AutoCAD. (video: 1:35 min.)

The new Font Viewer allows you to view fonts. Display the following information about a font: characters, styles, widths, kerning. Animate and create custom glyphs. (video: 1:40 min.)

Introducing the new TrackCAD XML connector, which allows AutoCAD to read data in a CAD format, such as AutoCAD DWG, DXF, and STEP. The TrackCAD XML connector is a great tool for converting, and publishing, AutoCAD data. (video: 1:13 min.)

Navigation with filters:

Navigate to a location in your drawing, and filter the drawing view to


System Requirements For AutoCAD:

OS: Win 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / Ubuntu / Debian / Fedora
Processor: 2.4GHz+
Memory: 2 GB
Graphics: DX10.1 Compatible card
Hard Drive: 700 MB free disk space
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