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AutoCAD 2020 23.1 Download [April-2022]







AutoCAD 2020 23.1 Crack + Download For PC

The application features a graphical user interface, and can be used to create and edit both 2D and 3D models. AutoCAD can also be used as a drafting software application.

A 2D modeling application, AutoCAD offers a range of design tools, including architectural and mechanical drafting, surface modeling, and drafting of basic 3D objects. 3D capabilities include surface modeling, drafting and editing, surface and mesh editing, and volume modeling.


CAD is used for the creation and editing of technical drawings, particularly in the architectural, engineering, landscape architecture, and construction industries. AutoCAD is used by many companies, government agencies, and educational institutions, and is commonly used in business and academic environments in the United States. CAD software with AutoCAD capabilities is commonly used for design work and drafting of two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) models. 3D models can be exported to other CAD applications such as Revit, to generate complete presentations. Revit is a commercial CAD application produced by Microstation, now owned by Trimble, that is designed to be used in conjunction with AutoCAD.

AutoCAD is available for Microsoft Windows and macOS, as well as Linux and Apple macOS through app stores. Mac users may also run AutoCAD on their Apple iOS devices, which can also be synchronized with Microsoft Windows or macOS. AutoCAD for Windows or macOS can also run on a Virtual Machine (VmWare, VirtualBox) on any computer system or operating system (Mac, Windows, Linux).


AutoCAD was first marketed by Autodesk in December 1982 as a desktop app running on microcomputers with internal graphics controllers. Autodesk licensed the product to Hewlett-Packard, which developed and marketed AutoCAD starting in 1985. Autodesk then decided to develop a multi-platform product, which was officially released in May 1987 as AutoCAD LT. AutoCAD LT is a 2D CAD software application, and the full-function AutoCAD application was released as a desktop app in April 1988.

AutoCAD is currently developed and distributed by Autodesk, a software development company that was founded in 1982. According to the company, Autodesk acquired Corel Corp. in February 2010, which resulted in the company owning a majority of the CAD and 3D modeling market.

Use of AutoCAD is

AutoCAD 2020 23.1 Activation Code

In Windows, AutoCAD Cracked Version uses Windows Installer for deployment. It can be manually run from disk or downloaded from the Autodesk Exchange Apps store.

In Office 365, AutoCAD can be installed on a personal computer as a Standalone option (for either Windows or Mac) or as a Cloud option (for Windows only). AutoCAD is available free as a subscription service, and includes both Windows and Mac editions as well as the subscription option.

AutoCAD is also part of the macOS AutoLISP, which is an implementation of the LISP programming language and allows users to develop custom macros or scripts.

See also
List of vector graphics editors
Comparison of CAD editors
Comparison of CAD editors – Presentation mode


External links
AutoCAD User Community
Autodesk Exchange Apps
AutoCAD Documentation (supported languages)

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AutoCAD 2020 23.1 (Final 2022)

# **Configuring the Script**

The installation script asks you to configure some settings when you use it. In this section, you will

What’s New In?

AutoCAD commands for export of symbols, blocks and lines

New common symbols and functions for creating common symbols to import directly from your CAD program.

The following AutoCAD commands will be included in AutoCAD 2023:

New command: cmd+Shift+F7 Select complete command block which will enable selection of a block of commands using shift and F7.

New command: cmd+Shift+F5 Copy/Paste command will replace paste and cut with copy and paste.

Command line improvements:

Cmd+Enter executes a command without prompting. (This is a new feature introduced in AutoCAD 2019.)

Command line output is now remembered and reapplied to an open command window on exit.

Can be set to auto-confirm on exit.

Selection and Window customizations:

On the Mac, can now be toggled between split view and grid view using Option+Option.

The code editor in the UCS can now be set to be maximized.

The gridline rulers can now be set to always appear.

Edit Link:

Edit Link options are now presented in an expanded dialog.

Command windows and dialogs can now be resized using the drag handle tool.

The Status bar can now be hidden to unclutter the screen.

New display type options:

The print dialog can now be set to show gridlines, titles, and trackbars as standard.

Text Boxes:

Text boxes now have a horizontal scroll bar which can be used to scroll to the right.

The text box tab/side bar has been removed.


Dithering is now supported for PNG, JPG and GIF images imported into AutoCAD as rasters.

Paths can now be saved to “.pat” files.

Editable data can now be saved to “.xlsx” or “.xlsm”.

Graphical errors are now displayed when CAD software is unable to display rasters (or when the image data cannot be interpreted).

The AutoCAD software now plays a beep when files are copied over the network.

New default folders:

“\Desktop” has been replaced by “\Desktop\”.



System Requirements For AutoCAD:

Operating System: Windows 7, Vista, XP, 8, or 10 (32bit or 64bit)
Processor: Intel® Core™ i3-2xxx / AMD Phenom™ II x4-8xxx or higher
Memory: 2GB
Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 460 or AMD Radeon™ HD 5670
Hard Drive: 500MB free space
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Video: DirectX® 11 compliant video card or NVIDIA® Geforce® 8800 GT or AMD® Radeon™





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