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Archicad 16 Fr 32bit Startimes ((EXCLUSIVE))


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The present disclosure relates to an improved electronic data processing system. More particularly, the present disclosure relates to a system and method of augmenting the information provided in a search request received by a computer based system.
2. Description of Related Art
With the growth of the Internet, the World Wide Web (WWW) has emerged as a primary communication channel for exchanging information. As such, users from around the world have come to depend on the Internet for a wide array of applications, such as email, text messaging, and content downloading, to name but a few. In all of these applications, users have come to expect that information they request will be delivered within a reasonable amount of time and that their request will be processed in a timely manner.
Web crawlers, search engines, and various other programs that traverse the Internet are frequently used to perform these types of searches for information. Such programs search the WWW for information specified by a user in a request. However, it is increasingly difficult to pinpoint the location of specific web pages as the number of web pages is rapidly increasing. For example, it may be difficult to determine how many web pages are relevant to a specific topic or subject, since most web pages are only tangentially related to the subject matter. Consequently, a user desiring the location of relevant web pages to obtain the information desired may receive a list of search results for the requested web page that is extremely large in size. The search results may be overwhelming, and may include a vast number of unrelated web pages, web pages with information of no interest to the user, web pages that are irrelevant to the topic of interest, or web pages that contain disjointed and unreliable information.
Thus, it would be beneficial to provide a method and system for augmenting the information contained in a search request to reduce the size of the search results returned to the user. 0.74 0.22

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